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Smart Dust

Jan 12, 2020

Novelist and UTS’s Creative Intelligence & Innovation course director Bem Le Hunte joins The Works’ Douglas Nicol and Norton Rose Fulbright’s Nick Abrahams to discuss what the concept of creative intelligence actually means on a day-to-day basis.


As well as heading up the degree program, Bem’s first novel, The Seduction of Silence, was shortlisted for the Commonwealth Writers Prize in 2001. Her second novel – There, Where The Pepper Grows - was published in 2005.


Bem takes Douglas and Nick through how creativity and innovation can make a better world and use creativity to solve problems across a range of disciplines and how we can use our own creativity to find and solve business problems.

Smart Dust is produced and edited by Daresay, the content specialists:

Hosted by Douglas Nicol, Strategy Partner, The Works ( and Nick Abrahams, Global Head of Strategy and Innovation, Norton Rose Fulbright (

Bem Le Hunte’s website:

UTS Creative Intelligence & Innovation degree:

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